Let’s see few ~TREES AND PLANTS~ Here is just a little info about them which is helping us in day to day life by providing lots & lots of sources to us.
“Tulsi”- Queen of herbs
It’s is known for its healing properties.
It has great medicinal value which cure cold,has detoxifying properties,tulsi is added to water for pooja. It is taken as herbal tea.Holy plant of Indian subcontinent ,people’s take this for worship.It symbolises the purity & protect us from negativities.
“Banyan tree" is the national tree of India.
It is a very huge tree which expands over a very large area.
Banyan tree can live upto several hundred years.With its large number of aerial roots,grows towards the ground from the branches.It is a source of shade in many villages.The Use of Banyan tree is to treat the gastrointestinal tract , Diarrhoea and it’s every part is having powerful healing properties.
“Neem” is a fast growing tree that usually reaches a height of 15-20 m. In agriculture,Tree has been identified as a renewable resource for home grown agro-chemicals and nutrients which are bio – degradable, non-toxic and effective .The tree gives a gum, which on hydrolysis yields, L-arabinose, L-fucose, D-galactose and D-glucoronic acid.Neem may help in the search for a prevention or a cure for AIDS.It should be planted more which is Erosion control and soil improver.
The “palmyra palm" has long been one of the most important trees where it has over 800 uses. The leaves are used for thatching, mats, baskets, fans, hats, umbrellas.we should plant this more because these can provide protection from lightning during thunderstorms. simply called as "lightening Arresters".
“Peepal tree” leaves contain Glucose, Asteriod and Mennos,Phenolic while its bark is rich in Vitamin K, tainen and Phaetosteroline. All of these ingredients make the peepal tree an exceptional medicinal tree.
“Aloe Vera” — A thick, short-stemmed plant that stores water in its leaves. It is best known for Aloe creams have a calming effect on the skin and have been shown to help reduce itchiness and inflammation.
“Bael tree" also has a huge religious significance in Hindu scriptures. Believed as the favourite tree of Lord Maha Shiva. Bilva leaves, fruits form a major part while worshipping Lord Shiva.Inside it fruit,when we cut it looks like a Shivan shape.These fruits are also popular for antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and it has been in use for its medicinal and therapeutic properties in Ayurveda, Siddha and other forms of alternate medicine for thousands of years.
If we wish to breath Clean air - Plant trees & protect them.
Plants and trees help in controlling air pollution. During the process of photosynthesis, they take in carbon dioxide and give out oxygen. We inhale the oxygen from the air and exhale carbon dioxide. Hence, the process continues and the air is pollution-free and Environment looks good. I mentioned here tree only , it not only mean tree it includes herbs,shurbs,plants etc..,
Here is an story people who lost their lives to save tree .It’s really inspiring.
✳️Have a look ::👉👈
Now imagine a life without a tree🤔,how tough our life be??😑
This quotes means a lot ,describes about the rainfall from the sky which is made by trees planted on Earth.
So, Before cutting one tree try to replace it somewhere.
Save the nature for future .So that they can also enjoy the peace and beauty of nature as much as we enjoyed.